Helpers: Kvetoslavov, doing large shopping 3

A helping hand is always needed for cleaning, washing, ironing, maintaining your garden or house, but also for walking your dog or taking care of your cat. Just choose from our list and contact a helping hand according to your requirements.: Kvetoslavov, 3 - 5,- €, doing large shopping, outside premises, twice a week, tolerates pets, from the newest

Become a helper See job ads
  • Eva P.
    • 60 years
    • 6+ years of experience
    5.00 - 10.00 €/hour
    hladam pracu,ako upratovacka,v domacnosti,okolo domu,skatka oklo domacnosti vsetko,aj zahrady.mam 50 rokou,som z dunajskej stredy,ale nemam problem s dochadzokou,mam auto. Referencie: Popopoom
  • Šarlota N.
    • 29 years
    • 6+ years of experience
    0.00 - 10.00 €/hour
    Rada pomôžem osamelým ľuďom, seniorom, alebo ľuďom s hendikepom, tiež mamičkám ,s domácimi prácami
  • Marta S.
    • 50 years
    • 5 years of experience
    4.00 - 10.00 €/hour
    Mám skúsenosti s týmto typom práce zo zahraničia. Bežné práce v dome, okolo domu. Čokoľvek, čo sa vyžaduje.