Helpers: ironing, social, health, educational premises 1

A helping hand is always needed for cleaning, washing, ironing, maintaining your garden or house, but also for walking your dog or taking care of your cat. Just choose from our list and contact a helping hand according to your requirements.: only company profiles, up to 3,- €, ironing, social, health, educational premises, daily

Become a helper See job ads
  • sewn bag s.r.o
    • years of operation: 5
    3.00 - 10.00 €/hour ❤ HELP WITH HEART
    Ponnúkame kvalitné upratovanie súkromných a firemných priestorov. Najradšej upratujeme po rekonštrukcií bytového jadra, výmene okien, elektroinštalácie a pod. Radi pratame aj pravidelne tie isté priestory,...