Danica P. - Housekeeping
0- 67 years
- 6+ years of experience
- 8.00 - 10.00 €/hour
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- Speaks
- Slovak language, Czech language, English language
- List of locations where he/she works
- Bratislava
- Cleans the following premises
- 1-3 rooms apartment, 4plus room apartment, family house, cottage, office premises, common residential premises, social, health, educational premises, sports, recreational, fun premises, other
- Tolerates pets
- yes
- Smoker
- no
- Experience description
- Viem upratat, navarit, mam vodicsky preukaz, mozem nakupit, vybrat deti zo skoly, povarovat deti / vnuka mam skusenosti/ atd....
- Frequency of helping
- more times a week
- occasionally or irregularly
- Provides the following services
- usual cleaning
- window cleaning
- kitchen and kitchen utensils maintenance
- washing the laundry
- ironing
- cooking, baking
- doing grocery shopping
- doing large shopping
- watering the plants in the house
- pet care
- gardening (weeding, raking)
- yard work
- car washing
- complete cleaning
- other auxiliary jobs
- Additional skills
- baking cakes
- preserving fruits and pickles
- small repairs and home maintanence
- Availability calendar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 6 - 10 10 - 14 14 - 18 18 - 22 22 - 6