Mária H. - Senior and Disabled Care

  • 60 years
  • 6+ years of experience
  • 5.00 - 6.00 €/hour
    50% response rate to messages, 2 days average response time
Slovak language, Czech language, Russian language
List of localities where he/she works
Slovakia, Košice - okolie, Košice, Košice 1 - Sídlisko Ťahanovce
Maximum number of seniors or disabled
Tolerates pets
Provides social services under Act No. 448/2008
Experience description
Ponúkam občasnú,nepravidelnú výpomoc pre seniorov-nákupy,podanie liekov, injekcií,infúzií,lokálne ošetrenie/ulcusy,dermatitídy/,prechádzky a pod. V prípade záujmu bližšie informácie mailom ,alebo telefonicky.Som zdravotná sestra,mám prax 40 rokov .Teraz pracujem na zmeny v nemocnici pri lôžku na psychiatrii.
Odrobila som predtým 3 roky na ARO a 9 rokov na kožnom oddelení.
V čase voľna si hľadám touto formou prácu popri zamestnaní.
Frequency of caring
  • irregular visits
Carries out the following usual activities
  • grocery shopping
  • preparing and serving meals
  • monitored walks
  • care during acute illness
Performs the following professional activities
  • help with dressing
  • supervised walking
  • accompaniment to doctor's visits and to offices
  • oral administration of drugs
  • administration of intravenous medication
Availability calendar
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
6 - 10
10 - 14
14 - 18
18 - 22
22 - 6