Senior or Disabled caregivers: Nové Mesto nad Váhom (district) 1

A caregiver who takes care of a senior - grandpa, grandma, disabled or an otherwise suffering family member is fully at your disposal for assistance with nursing or palliative care at home. Choose from our list and contact a caregiver, a personal or a work assistant according to your requirements.: Nové Mesto nad Váhom (district), Help with Heart profiles only

Become a caregiver See job ads
  • Opatríme Vás n.o.
    • years of operation: 9
    2.50 - 10.50 €/hour ❤ HELP WITH HEART
    Ponúkame Terénnu opatrovateľskú službu v domácom prostredí opatrovaného už 6 rokov na území celého Slovenska. Zabezpečujeme opatrovateľky, ktoré sú odborne skúsené, s dlhoročnou praxou. Uzatvárame pracovné...
Senior or disabled caregiver profiles in the area: Show locations