Senior or Disabled caregivers 2

A caregiver who takes care of a senior - grandpa, grandma, disabled or an otherwise suffering family member is fully at your disposal for assistance with nursing or palliative care at home. Choose from our list and contact a caregiver, a personal or a work assistant according to your requirements.: under 1 year experience, more than 2 visits per week, Hungarian, with a profile picture, non-smoker

Become a caregiver See job ads
  • Eva B.
    • 24 years
    • without experience
    300.00 - 800.00 €/hour
    Som vyučená Polnohospodárka čo zahŕňa aj opatrovateľstvo, Ponúkam pomocné práce v domácnosti varenie upratovanie všetko čo to zahŕňa. Vychádzky,nákup a podobne.
    (0) response badge Great response rate
  • Gabriela E.
    • 55 years
    • without experience
    6.00 - 10.00 €/hour
    Volám sa Gabika mám 54 rokov bývam v Bratislave vo Vrakuni,doteraz som opatrovala deti.Pracovala som ako upratovačka a hlavne u starších ludi +nákupy.Viem ludi počúvať,vychádzam so staršími ludmi dobre
    (0) response badge Great response rate
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